Do All Teeth Respond to Invisalign Aligners the Same Way?

Clear Invisalign® aligners have become a popular way to straighten teeth without the metal-mouth look of traditional braces. The opportunity to wear invisible straighteners that you can pop in and out is appealing, but will they work for everyone? While theoretically, these aligners can be successful with most teeth, there are some users who may wind up being happier with the more traditional metallic option.

Significant dental problems

The more movement of teeth and jaw that is required from a straightening treatment, the less effective Invisalign® may be. Advances in the product have made it more successful for a wider range of problems, but traditional braces may still be better when the challenge is complex. If there is any doubt, get a professional opinion to determine the method that will give the greatest success. Here are a few areas of concern that may hinder a good outcome with the clear aligners:

Bad teeth

Those with cavities to be filled or other dental work to be done should take care of these needs before popping Invisalign® trays over their teeth. Cavities trapped under clear aligners will only get worse, and removing them while dental work is done can delay progress.

Younger users

For young children whose jaws are still growing, Invisalign® may not be the best choice. They may also have trouble being responsible for keeping them in and cleaning their teeth underneath. Teens and adults may be more motivated to follow all the aligner rules since they are so happy to have clear straighteners that do not show.

Poor oral hygiene

Kids are not the only ones who can forget to brush, of course. Adults who struggle to keep up with brushing, flossing and rinsing should probably not choose an option that involves enclosing dirty teeth in aligners. Lack of tooth care while using Invisalign® can even lead to root damage. Users will have to make a commitment to keep those straightening teeth clean.


Clear plastic aligners may not be a good choice for anyone for whom constant coffee consumption is a non-negotiable habit. The hot liquid can stain both the aligners and the teeth underneath it. Removing the straighteners for one cup in the morning may be okay, but popping them out constantly for doses of caffeine will only delay progress and may eventually do some damage.

Lack of diligence

Braces, in general, are nobody’s idea of fun, but Invisalign® takes an extra degree of commitment and conscientiousness. Users need to leave the aligners in at least 22 hours a day and concentrate their eating and drinking during the hours they’re out. Forgetting to put them in and then trying to wear them longer is a recipe for loosening the teeth as they move, drift back and move again. Wearers need to follow the rules very specifically and wear a retainer when their Invisalign® days are over, just like with regular braces.


Most of the reasons aligners do not work as well for some people as for others are under the control of the user. That does not make the problems easy to fix. It does mean self-knowledge and an awareness of good dental habits are an important part of deciding whether Invisalign® is the right choice.

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