FAQs: Wisdom Teeth removal

wisdom teeth Trophy Club, TX

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a routine procedure. Depending on your mouth, you may need one wisdom tooth removed or all four. You may be wondering what the process is like. Here are some answers to your questions about this procedure.

Why do wisdom teeth need to come out?

There are several reasons why a patient’s wisdom teeth may need to be removed. One of the most common reasons is because these teeth are impacted. This means that the teeth are unable to break through the gumline into the mouth.

Wisdom teeth may also be crooked, which means the teeth can push other teeth out of alignment. Crooked teeth can also be difficult to clean, so they can eventually become infected. It is more difficult to remove wisdom teeth later in life, so getting them removed before the teeth cause problems will be beneficial down the road.

How does a dentist remove wisdom teeth?

To remove the wisdom teeth the dentist or oral surgeon will first place the patient under local or general anesthesia. This will numb the area so the patient will feel less pain. For impacted teeth, the dentist will then make an incision in the gumline to access the teeth. If the teeth are at an angle, the dentist may need to cut the teeth to remove them in pieces.

Otherwise, the dentist will use tools to firmly grasp the tooth and gently rock it back and forth. This will loosen the tooth so the dentist will be able to pull it out of the mouth.

After each wisdom tooth has been removed, the dentist will stitch up the socket. When the surgery has finished, the patient will be given gauze to gently bite down on. The pressure will help the bleeding to stop sooner.

Do patients have to be put to sleep?

Many dentists and oral surgeons will give patients the option to be awake during the surgery. If patients choose to remain awake, they will still receive local anesthesia to prevent pain in the area. Patients may feel pressure in the area if they choose to remain awake during surgery. The dentist or oral surgeon will review the patient’s medical history to help the patient determine the right option.

What is a dry socket?

After the surgery, a patient will have a blood clot where the tooth used to be. This blood clot will eventually help the new bone develop in the socket. However, if the blood clot becomes dislodged, the nerve and bone will be exposed to the mouth. This can cause an infection which causes severe pain for the patient.

Visit a dentist today

A dentist can help you determine if you will need one or more wisdom teeth removed. Following your dentist or oral surgeon’s instructions after the procedure will facilitate healing for you. This includes maintaining proper hygiene and avoiding certain foods. Your dentist or oral surgeon can answer other questions you may have.

Request an appointment here: https://trophysmilestudio.com or call Trophy Smile Studio at (817) 210-4049 for an appointment in our Trophy Club office.

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